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BISQUIT Integrated Banking System

BISQUIT Integrated Banking System (IBS) provides a high level informational support for the banking transactions amidst dynamic development of financial services market.?

BISQUIT is a core banking solution providing wide scope of functionality for both retail and corporate banking. BISQUIT consists of functional modules which cover different banking products and can be licensed separately. BISQUIT functional completeness makes automatization of multitude commercial bank operations possible. IBS modular construction allows a bank to go to software expenses justified only by its sphere of business and amount of a work flow at a particular moment. The system functionality can be extended when range of performed activities extend.

The unified technological approach allows recording the operation from one module in the database and using the results of that operation in any other module.

IBS BISQUIT modules:

Loan refinancing This module handles loan portfolio sales to third parties and all operations relevant to servicing the loans sold to third parties.
Loans and deposits This module is a robust and flexible processing engine for all sorts of loans and deposits.
Money market Money market module aims at automated performance of a financial institution in interbank money market and designed for users (back-office experts).
Personal deposits Personal deposits module provides complete support of various types of personal deposits, such as time deposits, call deposits, savings accounts etc.
Plastic cards Plastic cards module supports bank’s plastic cards back office operations as both acquirer and issuer. Interfaces to various plastic card online processing centers are available. Supports cards with grace period.
Promissory notes Promissory notes module facilitates automated handling of promissory notes by a financial institution.
Remote cash desk Remote cash desk module supports cash operations provided by bank at customers’ premises (like automotive stores, retail outlets etc.) or bank’s own service points.
Securities accounting This module is designed to facilitate accounting for all types of securities (equity and non-equity) according to Russian regulations.
Tax accounting Tax accounting module provides automatic calculation of tax base on income tax under Russian Tax Code and generation of reports to be submitted to the Tax Authority.
Trust management The module aims at automated accounting of operations related to management of property trusted by a settler and enables to account assets trusted by various holders in order to obtain sufficient and plausible information on relevant operations.
Utility payments Utility payments module ensures automated support of operations related to recurring personal payments.

BISQUIT Modules 16 - 26 of 26
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